How to edit Profile Link?


Last Update 1 年前

Click link sections to edit your link.

Click the "Customize" button.

Click on the picture section.

Here, you can customize the content and style of the image.

Click Text section.

You can customize the title and description. Don't forget to click "Save" when you're finished.

Click social icons section. Click "+ Add more" to add new social icons. Click "Save" to save changes.

You can click on the "+" section to add new content. There are various types of content available, you can freely combine them to highlight your own style.

Click the "Style" button to customize the theme. You can customize the background, card, text, and style. Remember to click the "Save" button in the upper right corner when you're done. After you've finished customizing all the parts, click the "Publish" button.

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