How to edit Bio Link?


Last Update één jaar geleden

Click link sections to edit your link.

You can Click the "Customize" button.

Click basic information section.

You can customize the logo, verified badge, title and description. Don't forget to click "Save" when finished.

Click button links section.

Click "+ Add New Button" to add new button.

You can edit button link text and button links. If you want to highlight a button, turn on the Featured function or add a status. Click "Save" when finished.(Note: Fill in the correct link or your fans will not be able to access it.)

Click the + below to add a new block

There are various types of blocks, and you can randomly combine them according to your needs.

Click the "Appearance" button in the lower left corner to customize the theme. You can customize backgrounds, block, and more. Click the save button in the upper right corner when finished.

To complete all changes you need to click the Publish button in the upper right corner, otherwise your changes will not be saved.

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